By watching Spider-Man: No Way Home 292 times, a Florida man sets a Guinness World Record.

A headline beginning with “Florida Man” is a sign that the rest of the sentence will be wild. The story here is not about bath salts and using an alligator weapon. However, it is quite crazy. Ramiro Alanis, an MCU super fanboy, set the Guinness World Record of most in-theater views of one film. He saw Spider-Man: No Way Home 292 times.

Alanis started the film’s premiere on December 16th. The record took four-month, with up to five screenings per night. To confirm his attendance, he needed to obtain written notice from the theatre and submit a ticket receipt. The record-breaking 292 times earned him $3,400 in tickets. This isn’t his first record attempt.

Alanis set the record for Avengers: Endgame 2019 viewing it 191 times. Arnaud klein watched the French fantasy TV series “Kaamelott: The First Chapter” 204 times in 2021. His grandma was an important reason he wanted his throne back. She died in 2019, so he dedicated the win to her.

Spider-Man, No Way Home is without doubt the greatest film to be successful during the pandemic. It grossed 1.89 Billion dollars and topped Avatar at the domestic theater box office. Endgame and Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens only trailed it.

Alanis’ difficulties came from the record’s guidelines. Alanis couldn’t use the bathroom or do anything other than that until the credits started. Endgame was his eleventh viewing. He was disqualified. Endgame’s runtime is longer at three hours and 2 minutes. No Way Home lasts two hours twenty-eight and thirty minutes. Alanis stated that although the longer runtime was easier, he had mastered the art of holding it down between screenings.

The long hours spent watching movies can be a challenge. The evening viewings were exhausting and lead to headaches. Alanis admitted that he had practically memorized every word of the script by the time he reached the end.
While no details are available about the record he intends to conquer next, it is thought he would defend that record if it was broken. Florida news has Dr. This May, Strange in The Multiverse of Madness premieres.


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